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Our Favorite Resources

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Farm Sanctuary

One of the first books Robin read that really inspired her to make some changes was Living the Farm Sanctuary Life by Gene Baur.  Gene is the founder of Farm Sanctuary and his endless advocacy is truly humbling.

Forks Over Knives

Both Jules's and Robin's lives were forever changed by the documentary, Forks Over Knives.  This non-graphic film provides such easy-to-understand information - not to mention more than a few "ah-hah!" moments.

The Game Changers

Produced by James Cameron, Ahh-nold (Schwarzenegger), Jackie Chan, and other heavy-hitters, The Game Changers watches like an action-packed movie and is suited for any adult audience. It is the ABSOLUTE BEST documentary to watch if you're looking for plant-based living inspiration based solely on the incredible health benefits - especially if you're a guy (just watch, you'll see). Their website also provides a treasure trove of helpful information.

Dr. Michael Greger

Dr. Greger's book, How Not to Die, wound up in Robin's suitcase during an annual summer vacation several years ago.  Although her husband looked at her sideways when seeing her summer reading material, it paid off: Dr. Greger and his research helped with some family health concerns.  He also put together a couple of great cookbooks and app for following plant-based eating.

Oh She Glows

One of our favorite introductory cookbooks is Angela Liddons', Oh She Glows.  Tons of photos and helpful guidance.  This cookbook also features Robin's favorite nacho cheese dip EVER.

Main Street Vegan

Shortly after making the shift to plant-based/vegan eating, Robin was scrolling through Amazon and came across the book, Main Street Vegan.  It provided the perfect details on how our eating impacts so much more than our tastebuds.  The website has links to vegan coaching, podcasts, upcoming events, etc.

Food Revolution Network

This one is sort of a "home base" for information that we trust.  Co-founder John Robbins' book, Diet For A New America, touches on everything from food choices, to environmental impact, to the animal agriculture component. The website provides countless resources and rooted in their mission of "healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all."

Clean Food Dirty Girl

If you're looking for healthy, delicious, whole food plant-based recipes and thoughtful meal plans, this is our number one recommendation. It's our absolute FAVORITE resource for creamy, nut and seed-based dressings. (Note: the name comes from the fact that the founder, Molly Patrick, likes to drop some swear words here and there.)

Campaigns & Support


Other than a great word, Veganuary is a wonderful campaign to promote plant-based/vegan eating.  The idea is to take the pledge to eating differently starting in January (you can start in any month) and the website provides resources, links to recipes, places to eat out, and a meal plan starter kit (for free!).

Meatless Mondays

Similar to Veganuary, Meatless Monday challenges you to not eat meat on Mondays as a way to reduce your meat consumption.  By replacing one day's menu with plant-based options, you can make an impact on your health and the health of the planet. Their website offers plenty of ideas to keep your meatless mission uninterrupted: travel tips, restaurant suggestions, and ways to bring Meatless Mondays to school and work.

What the Health

What the Health is one of the documentaries we watched after going plant-based, and it is THE documentary that really encouraged Robin's husband to continue on his plant-based journey.  This documentary is available on Netflix and the website and film have a 30-day vegan challenge with Colleen Patrick-Goudreau (see below).

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

As mentioned above, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau promotes a 30-day vegan challenge - but that's just the tip of the iceberg.  She's one of the most influential people we've come across. As a great starting point, take a look at her YouTube channel and website.

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